Do Cats Need Special Shampoo?
Cats and almost all pets have sensitive skin. Using non-standard shampoos and detergents that are not for animals can cause serious and irreparable problems. However, it has been seen many times that these problems may not be observed at the same time and show themselves over time. Because human shampoos and other detergents are acidic or alkaline enough to meet that need. The question will be, what shampoo will be suitable for cats?
To answer this question, we need to know enough about cat breeds and the characteristics of the cat we keep. In general, to buy shampoo for cat in Dubai, it is better to know that cats are divided into several groups in terms of sex, hair density and skin thickness.
First One
Cats with high hair density and thickness as well as strong and thick skin such as: Scottish Fold
The Second
Cats with dense and thin hair and sensitive skin, such as: Persian cat
The Third
Cats with thin hair and long hair such as: British Longhair
So, as you can see, because of the differences between the different breeds, it is better for each cat to use its own shampoo! And we need to have complete information about our pet so that we can provide the suitable shampoo and staffs like that.
Skin Caution
All animals differ in skin pH; You should pay attention to its PH type before preparing shampoo for washing your cat. If you use a shampoo that removes fat from your cat’s skin, you will eventually get scars on your pet’s body.
Loss of Body Hair Cats
Among other animals, care a lot about their cleanliness, so you will need to wash them less than other pets. But if you plan to take your cat to the bathroom on a monthly basis, be assured to use a special shampoo for cats.
Use Special Shampoos
The best way to wash a cat is using a cat shampoo instead of ones that are specialised for human. These shampoos not only soften the skin and hair, but also take good care of them and prevent allergies in cats. Except when the veterinarian has prescribed a special treatment shampoo for the cat, he can use this special shampoo at any age.
My friends I have to tell you that remember to buy the best cat shampoo you have to consult with veterinarians and specialists. If you need help, you can contact us and get free advice from Eurovets Dubai.